
Steve Pauwels


One Man's Retirement, an Entire State's Redemption?

Steve Pauwels


©2012 Steve Pauwels


Let's call it an early Christmas present: Barney Frank recently announced he won't be standing for a 17th U.S. House term. It appears Massachusetts voters are handed their second opportunity this millennium to partially atone for their manifold, political transgressions.
Following 2009's passing of “Liberal Lion" Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy, the Bay State electorate faced the choice of replacing him with Attorney General Martha Coakely -- a Northeastern Lefty straight out of central-casting -- or newcomer Republican Scott Brown. To the astonishment of most, many gleeful, others disconsolate, Brown got the nod.
Kennedy, of course, had been the perennial Democratic kahuna: nine-term Senator; big-government, welfare-state Goliath; elbow-throwing, alcoholic womanizer. Of course there was Chappaquidick and poor Mary Jo Koepechne, as well.
Hopes were that Teddy’s berth filled by the plain-speaking, pick-up-driving Brown would prove a step toward that Commonwealth's making up for so many years of inflicting so many deleterious hacks on the rest of the country. Yet, while Brown's unexpected ascension did yield a brief, emotionally satisfying shiver for many a conservative, in practice he's turned out a soggy moderate, at best. A broad-shouldered member of the Olympia Snow/Susan Collins, Rockefeller-Republican caucus? Yup. Just another cautious guardian of the status quo? Arguably. Certainly no rock-ribbed Constitutionalist.
Winds up that, post-Scott Brown, Kennedy Country still has lots to answer for.
So, Congressman Frank's blessed departure now impends -- and, conveniently, a fresh crack at redemption beckons
Massachusetts (or at least parts of its Fourth District which he represented).
Still foggy on the precise reasons redemption is needed?
Well. Barney Frank may have been routinely styled one of the "brainiest", "funniest", and/or "most eloquent" denizens of the House; but he's been so much more for those, nationwide, who've groaned under public policy he's helped shape.
Charles Krauthammer assesses him "the face of modern American Liberalism" -- that would be: abortion-mad, marriage-distorting, Washington-uber-alles, Government-as-God, envy-driven, racialist, Judeo-Christian-loathing, Constitution-skirting Liberalism. For at least thirty punishing years, Barney has been front-and-center in all of it.
As the first member of Congress to voluntarily "come out" an open homosexual (1987), Barney won automatic insulation
against criticism from the pro-gay media and "enlightened" political class. He'd need it - to carry him through a 1989 scandal involving male prostitute Steven Gobie, who temporarily advertised his services out of the then forty-nine year old Legislator's residence. (Frank claims he was in the dark about that.) Further, he fixed fistfuls of traffic tickets for the gigolo and misled authorities to protect him.
"I was suckered," the Newton , MA Congressman memorably pled.
More recently, he's largely been given a pass for his year-in-year-out boosting of Freddie Mae's and Fannie Mac's wobbly lending practices; which contributed centrally to the collapse of America 's housing market and 2008’s ensuing fiscal freefall. An eleven year romantic relationship with Fannie Mae executive Herb Moses? No conflict of interest there, Frank insists.
Rebuffer of Bush administration concerns, raised in the early/mid 2000's, about the financial stability of those institutions? No biggee - Barney assures us.
On top of that: has a more dyspeptic legislator scowled at us more regularly over the past few decades than the Bay State 's grumpy gay? Huffing and puffing (literally), rolling his eyes, tirelessly sputtering in exasperation, the disheveled, perpetually put-out Frank has never left any doubt what he thinks of anyone who dares question his judgment, his conclusions, his policy prescriptions. It's apparently tough being Barney Frank in a world populated by irksome, lesser critters.
Regardless, through it all, his constituents have slavishly returned him again and again to his Capitol Hill perch -- returned him soundly, that is; never by less than double digit margins. Churlish, sometimes goatish, behavior voters wouldn't tolerate in a family member went unrepudiated when it emerged in their squalid solon. Sure, Frank was rumpled, snarling, unpleasant ­­-- but he was effective, too. Whatever the Harvard-educated Representative's petulancies and peccadilloes, every two years Massachusetts ' South Coast folks settled on re-buying what he was selling.
In November 2012, however, a painfully too-long--delayed, but still very substantial stab at image-refurbishment awaits the
Congressman's former backers. Potentially, it's Kennedy/Coakely/Brown redux: a replay of that 2010 political scenario with different actors. The seating of a genuine, limited-government advocate of America 's founding principles in Barney Frank's old stomping grounds could indicate a true, electoral sea-change. The process of salvaging Massachusetts ' reputation, heretofore soiled by, among other lapses, decades of thoughtless loyalty to a nasty Leftist, could commence.
And if they go for it? Who knows, maybe Bay Staters' next step would be amends for 2008's Obama-mania. Erstwhile Frank-o-philes turning on the current Socialist-in-Chief? Massachusetts going red?
I know that's a long shot. Doubtless, Barney Frank would snort at my reverie with one of his renowned barbs: “On what planet do you spend most of your time?”

Steve Pauwels is the Co-Host of Clash Radio with Doug Giles, heard on the IRNUSA Network. He lives in New Hampshire with his wife and family.
