
Politically Correct Terror!



©2006 Sharon Hughes 


I was up working late when news broke about the thwarted terror plot in the UK. Intended to be carried out by Muslims of Pakistani origin in London, targeting 10 airplanes headed for the United States, over 20 suspects have been arrested.

As we watched the story unfold of what could have been the largest terror attack since 9/11, with the potential of killing of over 4,000 passengers, some in the media were faithful to pull out their ‘politically correct reporting’ guidebook. Such as Sky News' Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt who said those arrested were mainly young, British-born Asian men. Not Muslim men, as Michelle Malkin points out.

I admit that I did wonder…if it were ‘Jews’ or ‘Christians’ that plotted a terror attack, would the mainstream media change their ‘titles,’ too? Nope, don’t think so.

Stop and think with me for a minute of how faithful the media is to point out when someone who commits a crime is reportedly ‘a Christian’. Isn’t it funny how a suspect’s religion, if it happens to be Christianity, yet has no bearing on the case, makes it’s way to the headlines?

The war on terror has made clear many things, not the least of which is that we are in a world-war of world-views. However, political correctness is one world-view that has no place in reporting the news.

It’s one thing to be politically correct about silly things like: “Realtors have been told by the PC police that the term walk-in closet is inappropriate to use because it discriminates against “wheelchair-bound persons,” and the term master bedroom infers “slavery.”

But it’s an entirely different thing when you are dealing with identifying terrorists whose goal in life is to kill innocent people…thousands and thousands of innocent people. Let’s be real!

Sharon Hughes - Sharon is the President of The Center for Changing Worldviews, and hosts Changing Worldviews TALK Radio which is heard 

on KDIA AM1640 San Francisco; KGDP AM660 Santa Maria, CA and WITA AM1490 Knoxville, TN, as well as online daily at Oneplace.com. Her column appears on several online news sites including CaliforniaRepublic.org, ChronWatch.com, Ediblog.com, chNews.com, NewsWithviews.com, RenewAmerica.us and others. For further information visit her: Website www.changingworldviews.com 

Blogsite http://changingworldviews. blogspot.com

Contact: sharon@changingworldviews.com 


Radio Talk Show Changing Worldviews, KDIA AM1640 San Francisco Bay Area and Around the world Online at Oneplace.com
