
Debra Rae

Cosmic Yuppies In An Age Of “Exuberant Religiosity”

Part I


©2007 Debra Rae


Exuberant Religiosity

As rightly observed by Peter L. Berger in The Chronicle of Higher Education, our purportedly rational age is distinguished, ironically so, by “exuberant religiosity.” Susan Graham Mathis agrees. A Focus on the Family publication (October 2005) uncovers her first hand experience with nontraditional religious thought by means of college physical education classes, special library offerings, and adult exercise programs.


Myself a nostalgia-free “boomer,” I bid adieu relatively unscathed to the mystically propelled, flower-power sixties. A recent perusal of Martha Stewart’s “whole living” magazine, however, resurrected my recollection of that era’s trappings. Page after page blended Eastern thought with Western ethic. It’s as if the sixties were recycled and repackaged, now targeting an older audience—no longer the stereotypically blurry-eyed, posy-pushing hippies of yesteryear.


Even Valley Medical Center in King County, Washington offers its patients empowerment sessions to “meet their spirit guides” and, thereafter, live “a life of joy, health, and prosperity.” With this in view, Transcendental Meditation, holistic health practices, dream work, guided imagery, life-force teachings, and the like entice an unexpected audience of career-focused, SUV-driving yuppies.


Case in point: Just outside our local athletic club, I recently met and greeted a charming, middle-aged man known, years earlier, as a regular attendee at neighborhood pee-wee softball games. His “go, team” sweatshirt and baseball cap testified to proud, hands-on parenting, as did the sparkle in his eyes while he recounted his daughter’s achievements as a college co-ed.


In a friendly gesture, David offered his calling card, billing himself as an Opti-Mystic (not to be confused with an optometrist or ophthalmologist). Instead, David is available by appointment for private or group “ascensions” up seven rungs of the so-called universal ladder. However unexpected, his brand of nouveau spirituality reflects the “exuberant religiosity” shared by growing numbers of mid-life cosmic yuppies among us.


Arcane Symbolism

Sure enough, my new acquaintance David‘s friendly image graces his home page at www.consciousness.com.  With legs crossed in what appears to be yoga fashion, David warmly welcomes visitors to this site.


No doubt with genuineness, David apologizes should any unforeseen hindrance prevent honest seekers from “understanding and benefiting” from the esoteric philosophy he offers. Though arcane, the essence of David’s message is relatively simple. That being, human destiny is achieved, not according to tenets of biblical Christology, but rather by conscious ascension through centrifugal fields of energy called “aziums.”


White-and-black symbols prominently superimposed on his chest speak to David’s other-worldly leanings. The most universally recognized among them represents infinity (or eternity).


In specific reference to optics, “infinity” by definition describes an infinitely distant point sufficiently far from a lens or mirror so that the light it emits falls in parallel rays. Presumably, the point at which parallel rays take form represents spiritual alignment. This is characterized by a golden era of pseudo-peace and brotherhood—that is to say, a sort of “heaven on earth,” compliments of illumined “celestial humanity.”


Prominently displayed in one oval of that infinity symbol is the letter “M” with arrow, which in hermetic thought signals union. The other oval showcases a spiral symbol representative of pantheism, belief that “all-is-god” (self included). Although these symbols likely represent the Opti-Mystic’s yoking with the god-force within and without, David insists that the process itself is no metaphor.


Not coincidentally, the spiral symbol closely resembles the Eye of Horus, son of Isis (ancient Egyptian goddess of nature) and Osiris (god of understanding or illumination). Occultists broadly accept that, through this motif, Satan imparts mystical wisdom, enlightenment, illumination. In fact, union with Lucifer is the fifth and final step in occult initiation—not a thing with which to toy. 



Debra Rae is an author and educator who has traveled extensively throughout the United States and abroad. Having authored two books—the ABCs of Globalism and ABCs of Cultural-Isms (the latter highlighted at the 55th Annual CBA International Convention, 2004)—Debra contributing columnist for News With Views. Debra has been a speaker on numerous radio shows aired across the nation, the Western Hemisphere, Russia, and the Middle East. This past year, she co-launched and now co-hosts WOMANTalk, a special edition of Changing Worldviews TALK Radio, for which she writes weekly commentaries. www.debraraebooks.com, www.womantalk.uswww.newswithviews.com/Rae/Debra.htm 
